
One of the most acclaimed films in Japanese anime, The Winds of Honneamise tells the story of a group of would-be astronauts on a planet that is not Earth, but not unlike Earth. While an eager young pilot named Shilo dreams of making his nation's space program a success, his leaders are not sure of the project's viability, and shortages of money and technical know-how threaten to keep space flights on the ground. Will Shilo and his friends buck the odds and take their ship to other worlds? (Maiden Japan)



Aile de Honnêamise

Aile de Honnêamise

Image Sketch

Julkaisija: Midi Inc.

Vuosi: 1991

Maa: Japani

Muoto: CD

Pituus: 14:01

1. Prototype A Ryūichi Sakamoto 04:05
2. Prototype B Ryūichi Sakamoto 03:00
3. Prototype C Ryūichi Sakamoto 04:30
4. Prototype D Ryūichi Sakamoto 02:26
Aile de Honnêamise

Aile de Honnêamise

Julkaisija: Midi Inc.

Vuosi: 1987

Maa: Japani

Muoto: CD

Pituus: 38:33

1. Main Theme Ryūichi Sakamoto 03:49
2. Riikuni's Theme Ryūichi Sakamoto 03:02
3. National Defense Department Ryūichi Sakamoto 03:26
4. Noise / Uproar / Nuisance Ryūichi Sakamoto 01:19
5. Futility / Uselessness / Waste Ryūichi Sakamoto 02:02
6. Song Melody "Anyamo" Ryūichi Sakamoto 02:27
7. Dr. Gunoumu's Funeral Ryūichi Sakamoto 00:58
8. Holy / Sacred Riikuni Ryūichi Sakamoto 02:09
9. Distant Thunder Ryūichi Sakamoto 01:44
10. Shirotsugu's Resolution / Determination Ryūichi Sakamoto 00:52
11. The Last Steps / Phases Ryūichi Sakamoto 00:57
12. War Ryūichi Sakamoto 03:12
13. Getting Up / Leaving The Sickbed Ryūichi Sakamoto 02:34
14. Out To Space Ryūichi Sakamoto 04:56
15. F A D E Ryūichi Sakamoto 05:06